VANGOSEDUN leather was established in 1955, we only offer high quality and high-end handmade leather goods. Our main products include leather briefcases, leather backpacks, leather handbags, leather laptop bags, leather messenger bags, leather travel bags, leather duffle bags, leather totes, leather belts, leather satchels, leather clutches, leather purses, leather wallets, leather hats, leather watch bands, leather apple watch bands, etc.
For making our luxury leather goods, we do not procure leather at cheap rates. Each piece of the world-famous Italian leather that we use is hand-picked by our experts from tanneries around Naples, Marche and Benevento; leather dyes, surface treatment, and threads are from Germany and Japan; hardware are from American and Taiwan; the whole leather goods are handmade in Hongkong and Guangzhou. Our headquarters is located in Hongkong.
In a world where fast fashion dominates, at VANGOSEDUN Leather, we take time to carefully think and move through the design process to create a timeless collection that last more than a season in both function and style. We are known for leather products that are truly functional and classic by blending the finest combination of leather and hardware to create durable and timeless designs. We believe timeless designs are always modern and true beauty gets better with age.
Our vision is to be the most renowned and foremost lifestyle brand, providing a captivating customer experience that drives long-term loyalty. Our mission is to provide our customers with innovative designs, top notch collection of leather bags, and leather accessories, and a gratifying experience combined with superior convenient shopping. We strive to create an environment that fosters a connection with our customers, and our community through giving back. Customer service and customer input are our most important values. We appreciate your feedback and welcome you to be part of our story and join us on this journey.
Our Guarantee
We put love, passion, and care into each piece we make. We want your VANGOSEDUN piece to be a part of your life’s narrative, becoming a trusty companion each step of the way.
We guarantee every VANGOSEDUN Leather product against material and workmanship defect for the life of the registered user.
We also guarantee your absolute satisfaction. If your purchase does not live up to your expectation, you are entitled to a full refund or exchange within 30 days of receiving your product.