Italian Leather Handbags & Italian Leather Bags
Buy Italian leather handbags, Italian leather bags, Italian leather wallets, Italian leather briefcases, Italian leather purses, Italian leather belts online, find excellent Italian leather handbags, Italian leather bags, Italian leather wallets, Italian leather briefcases, Italian leather purses, Italian leather belts as well as bags from top brands. Brucegao only offer high quality and high-end Italian leather handbags, Italian leather bags to our customers. VANGOSEDUN Leather was founded in 1955, we are a leading fashion leather goods brand in Hongkong. Our feature products are handmade leather goods, such as: leather briefcases, leather backpacks, leather handbags, leather laptop bags, leather messenger bags, leather travel bags, leather duffle bags, leather totes, leather belts, leather satchels, leather clutches, leather purses, leather wallets, leather hats, leather watch bands, leather apple watch bands, crocodile handbags, etc. Our range of Italian leather bags are designed with function in mind to handle anything and everything you carry in your daily life. Our products are designed to provide you with a look that reflects your unique, rugged lifestyle and your personal, professional presence.
Italian leather wallets,Italian leather briefcases,Italian leather purses,Italian leather belts online
Designer from Italy, Leather materials from Italy, and Crafted in Hongkong – Italians are most known for their pasta and the historical ambience of the country. Another thing that Italians are well known for are their handbags. Italian handbags have always been counted as being a top of the line fashion accessory. The reason for that is because Italian leather is known as some of the best leather in the industry and around the world. Italian handbags and purses are very exquisite and unique.
For making our luxury leather goods, we do not procure leather at cheap rates. Each piece of the world famous Italian leather that we use is hand-picked by our experts from tanneries around Naples, Marche and Benevento; leather dyes, surface treatment, and threads are from Germany and Japan; hardware are from American and Taiwan; the whole leather goods are handmade in Hongkong. Our headquarters is located in Hongkong.
Our excellent design team is from Italy, Italian design and style need no convincing. our never-ending pursuit of style and functionality is partnered with our ultimate quest of perfection. Like the artists of the past, we design each product with passion and emotional intensity, reflecting the classical antiquity of the Renaissance era in Florence. With our highest respect and regard for artists such as Donatello and Michelangelo, we humbly work as we think they once did – with the ultimate desire to create art that will endure time and trends.
Our commitment is to offering the latest trends in Italian purses and other first-rate leather products. Our range of products are for professional or casual use, and we have products for all ages and professions.
Our Inspiration
We at Brucegao are very passionate about what we do and we are proud of what we have achieved over the past few exciting years to bring out our collection of men’s leather bags. As designers we are greatly inspired by the joy a user finds in using one of our bags, which keeps us going to get our bags as close to perfection as possible for a fulfilling and user friendly experience for those who choose to own a Brucegao.
Quality guarantee
All our leather products are carefully handmade or hand finished, from natural materials one piece at a time. Because of this, there may be slight variations in the products. The product you receive may not be exactly identical to the one pictured. These small natural imperfections, which may be slight color, or shape give handcrafted items their innate soulful character and appeal. We take pride in the quality of our products. If you believe your product has or develops any defects in the craftsmanship, please contact us with the photos of the defect, and we will repair the defect at no extra cost, provided the return shipping to our studio is paid by the customer. Please note that the guarantee only covers our craftsmanship; any damage caused by improper use or care, accidents or normal wear and tear is not included.
Timely Delivery
Generally the order will be shipped out within 3~7 days after your order, if there are some special thing happen, we will inform our customers. The parcel will be shipped via DHL. It will take about 3~15 days to be delivered to worldwide countries. So please be patient after you place order, if you don’t receive order within this period, contact us.We will help you to solve the problem.
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